INTERACTIVE EXPERIMENTSAlka-Seltzer® can be used to create some pretty amazing experiments. Some are easy, some advanced. Slap on some safety goggles and let's go.ALL EXPERIMENTS REQUIRE ADULT SUPERVISION. DIY EXPERIMENTS Make potions and rockets and more. (Insert mad scientist laugh here.) Temperature vs. Rate of Reaction See how hot and cold make things hot and cold. Then you'll say, "Cool." START EXPERIMENT Size vs. Rate of Reaction How many particles does it take to make an ion? Find out and impress your friends and family. START EXPERIMENT Chemistry of Color Can you make brilliant colors out of Alka-Seltzer and a head of cabbage? Why yes, yes you can. START EXPERIMENT Bubbles, Gas and Balloons It sounds like a kids' cartoon but it's a pretty serious experiment that lets you make carbon dioxide. START EXPERIMENT Alka-Rockets Make a rocket powered by Alka-Seltzer. Shoot for the moon, the stars, the neighbor’s house….the sky’s the limit. Shoot….make two! START EXPERIMENT ADVANCED EXPERIMENTS These experiments require the expertise of a teacher or Professors Mom & Dad. Concentration vs. Rate of Reaction Learn what happens when the atoms’ and the reactants’ worlds collide. It’s true love. START EXPERIMENT Pressure vs. Rate of Reaction Once upon a time one chemical met another chemical. You know what happened then? Chemicals + chemicals = new chemicals. START EXPERIMENT How Alka-Seltzer Works in Your Stomach Make a real fake stomach, add some real fake acid and real (non-fake) Alka-Seltzer. You’ll see how it works. START EXPERIMENT